Monday, October 5, 2015

The Author 
I am Neveah Mayers. I was born in Kenya and migrated to the United States at around the age of 5. Coming to America was a big change and a difficult challenge for me. I did not know an ounce of English when I came here, but since then I have made vast improvements, I can now speak English fluently and write as well. As a high school student I am currently enrolled in  AP English courses. Reading has always been a love of mine.I could escape the chaos of my reality and I get lost in the text when I put myself in the shoes of the character. Through them I could live multiple lives and go different places without moving even an inch from my seat. Sadly this passion that I had for reading died down. Family, school, and life in general has prevented me from one of my greatest loves. But this sad love story is about to take a turn, today. The date is October 5th, 2015. This marks the beginning of my journey with reading. For so long I have been kept from it, but now it is time to find my way back to it. This blog will document my journey in finding myself in between the lines of texts. I do not know where I am going or where I will end up. But if you take this first step with me, we can find that out together. 


  1. I can’t imagine moving to a different country at five years old. I give you so much credit for learning a completely new language quickly and being able to write so well in AP English! It must have been so hard to move that far away from home. I completely understand your loss for the love of reading, because I did the same. It is not a bad thing, it is just that life gets in the way. I used to love getting lost in a book but now I don’t have time to do anything. I can’t wait to read your logs because you write very well and seem like a very strong person. (115)

  2. The section of, “Reading has always been a love of mine. I could escape the chaos of my reality and I get lost in the text when I put myself in the shoes of the character,” really resonates with me. This line is very captivating and I can easily relate to it. Your first post is so fascinating and it makes me eager to continue reading your other blog entries. I’d love to follow up on your blog to read about your journey to finding yourself within the lines of text. Your post conveys a sense of strength and determination; there is no doubt in my mind that you will reach your goal! (113)

  3. I fully understand what you mean when you say that life, school and family has been getting in the way of your passion of reading because the same thing is happening to me. At this point in our lives we are so busy with all the deadlines that we are forced to meet and it just becomes hard to find the time to read for pleasure. But I can't even imagine the struggles that you had to overcome when you transferred from Kenya to America. But the fact that you are now in AP English classes after not knowing any English is amazing. I can honestly say that I am excited about reading your further entries and sharing this journey of reading with you.(124)
